Saturday, August 21, 2010

Going Boston

Oh how I enjoy baking, which is good because I have a Blog for it! Last night I ventured into my sisters favorite dessert... Boston Creme Pie!! It took a long time though! 

First I had to make the cake itself...

Then I had to make the filling...

And then I had to make the chocolate topping...

and lastly I put it ALL together :)

Yes it did take like six hours.... but it Was my first time and it was really fun!!

 Boston wished they had this!

My dear papa Loved it!!


  1. I love Boston Creme Pie! Congrats on making such a hard recipe!

  2. Umm, could I adopt you? Our 27th Anniversary is June 2nd, you can make what you want!!! It looks fantastic! Keep up the baking!

